01 The Ten Courts of Hades -Here the human lives are weighed in the balance and if you've behaved yourself you go straight to the Tenth Court to await transmigration. The sinner looks into the huge mirror and sees the evil he/she has committed. |
The Ten Courts of Hades - There are further hellS attached to this site
- The hell of dark clouds of dust - The hell of night soil and urine -
The hell of the five-pronged fork - The hell of extreme hunger- the hell
of excruciating thirst - the hell of slough and blood - the hell with
boiling copper cauldrons - the hell of iron corslets - the hell of the
great scales - the hell where men are pecked by cocks - the hell of rushing
ashes - the hell where the body is cut to pieces - the hell of knives
and swords - the hell of tigers, wolves and other beasts - the hell of
cold and ice - the hell of numerous copper cauldrons. You get into this
mess because you -
The Ten Courts of Hades - This comprises
one large hell and many smaller dungeons - eg the hell of rib piercing
- the hell of handcuffs - the hell where knees are crushed - the hell
where you drink blood.
The Ten Courts of Hades - The boss of this hell worked in 01 but proved
too lenient and was condemned to work here. Here you will find unbelievers
- rapists and seductive women - brigands and harlots - those who curse Buddhist
monks - those who set fire to brushwood on mountains and those who don't
bury a dog or cat properly. |
The Ten Courts of Hades - Here you kneel on iron filings - are nipped
by grasshoppers - crushed under rollers - are sawn in half - have to drink
mucky water - are kicked by donkeys.
The Ten Courts of Hades - This is the hell of remorse and the hatred of
self - where your legs are burnt and your legs hacked - where your ankles
are bitten by dogs - where your flayed skin is fed to the hogs - and can
be pecked by eagles. Here you'll
The Ten Courts of Hades - 09 Bones scraped - tendons snapped - heads crushed
in iron rings - skull steamed in a frying pan.
10 The Ten Courts of Hades - Everybody ends up here to be re-cycled as something. You drink the broth of forgetfulness, wiping the memory clean. You aim for the boat across the Styx and sometimes
fierce demons knock you in the water. |
into Chinese Superstitions M.Kennelley
SJ, T'Usewei Printing Press Shanghai 1922.