The Aquarium asserts itself more and more. It was oginally thought that a bubble of phospherescent gas was held in suspension by a cluster of metal capilleries. Closer examination by Those in the Know, revealed the characteristic face of a surly Grouper with its piercing lapidary eye. . The Gentleman a la Chine is now almost a thing of the past, retreating as the filetered weater drifts upwards and thickens in the tank.The Raffia Cottage has turned into an encrusted Turtle induced to pose on a crystalline shelf.

What was at the beginning of this journey a prosaic description of accommodation now emerges as an Underwater Paradise aereated throughout with minute bubble streams and gentle strains of Baroque music. The Fritilleria has reached its peak of growth but cannot be further harvested. When the water warms, it can be cut back and prepared for its next incarnation. Variants can be found along the coastline at Grammercy Edge. See Map.Or Click Black Bar to the right.