

GRACE POWELL recent writings



One day there was great excitement in the village. I think it must have been Easter time. I remember it was sunny, and we went and stood outside. And in the distance I could hear trumpety music, and as we waited, a marching band appeared. They were all dressed in smart uniforms, and there were drums and trombones, and big cymbals.

It was really exciting.

So I followed the band, holding my Mum's hand, then she stayed still, and I carried on. Marching, marching, following the band.
 And  the band marched, and they marched into the church, and I followed, and then they shut the doors and it was dark.


The band wasn't playing anymore and it went all quiet. Then a man said, " LET US PRAY " and everyone kneeled down, and I kneeled down too. I felt like I had to be very quiet and I mustn't fidget, but I wanted to get out of there, and I wanted to cry. I thought somebody might come and get me, but nobody did.
I felt so lost in the middle of all those grown-ups. There was a gloomy feeling in there, and a smell like the inside of pianos.
I kneeled down and was quiet, then we stood up and sang sad, dreary songs.

We kneeled down again, then sat on a hard wooden seat, while the man talked for a really long time. And I didn't want my hands to touch the people sitting next to me because I didn't know them.
It went on and on like that, until it seemed that it would never end. Then, after an eternity, as they say in church...

The organ started playing really loud music, and the doors were opened, and the sun came streaming in, AND THEY LET US OUT !
And my Mum was standing outside and she was smiling, and I said, " WHY DIDN'T YOU COME AND GET ME ? " and she said, " You seemed to be enjoying yourself. "