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BOOKLIST 01 - starting the project


'The self is a text - it has to be deciphered. The self is a project, something to be built.' Susan Sontag, Under the Sign of Saturn, Vintage New York, 1978

'In some Eastern European countries it is customary to observe a moment of silence and stillness before departing on a major journey.' Brian Alterio in Steele-Perkins beneath.

Each indicative section of references presupposes a cross-cultural set of references, including photography, painting, design, film and the larger societal context.


1. the melancholic portrait 1830 -2001 -

1.1 the painter Van Gogh, Beckman, de Chirico; photography see Walker Evans and

1.2 the Romantic Outcast - the Byronic ideal, the Revolutionary portrait, J.L.David, Baron Gros,

1.3 the Observer Observed - the Voyeur, Reportage.

1.4 the Superman - the Napoleonic Puppetmaster - Nietzsche and the Fascist Presence - images of the Lonely Leader.

J.Lawrence, P.Brady, Haunter of Ruins, The Photography of Clarence John Laughlin, Little, Brown and Co., Boston NY 1997, melancholy and remembrance in New Orleans.

Harvey Benge, Not here Not there, Dewi Lewis Publishing, Stockport 1998 the alienated individual in the city.

Robert A. Sobieszek, the camera i, photographic self portraits from the collection of Audrey and Sydney Irmas, Los Angeles County Museum, Abrams, New York, 1994/5 - Jasper Johns sees the self as watcher and spy - the need to reconcile.

Lingwood (ed) Staging the Self, Self Portrait Photography 1840 - 1980, National Portrait Gallery London 1986.

Erika Billeter (ed) Self Portrait in the Age of Photography, Photographers Reflecting their own Image, Musee Cantonal des beaux Arts, Lausannem 1986

Chris Steele-Perkins (ed) about 70 photographs, Arts Council of Great Britain London 1980.

W.Chadwick (ed) MIRROR IMAGES Women, Surrealism and Self-Representation, MIT Cambridge Mass., 1998.


2. The Symbolic Landscape -

2.1 the Moral Landscape - Breughel, Caspar David Friedrich.

2.2 the Twin Paths - the Popular Print, Samuel Palmer.

2.3 Metaphor and Reality in the Landscape - Photography and Painting/Prints

Simon Schama, Landscape and Memory,

Ronald Paulson, Emblem and Expression,

John Szarkowski, American Landscapes Photographs from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York 1981.

Robert del Tredici, At Work in the Fields of the Bomb, Harrap London 1987 the inhabitants of landscapes polluted by the Atom Bomb tests.

Ruth DeJauregui, Ghost Towns, Brompton London 1988.

James Baker Hall, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Aperture, New York 1974.


3. Melancholia


E.P.Vicari, The View from MinervaÕs Tower, Learning and Imagination in Robert BurtonÕs The Anatomie of Melancholy, Univ of Toronto Press Toronto 1989

Guinn Batten, The Orphaned Imagination Melancholy and Commodity Culture in English Romanticism, Duke Univ.Press Durham 1998 ¥ Wolf Lelpenies, Melancholy and Society, Harvard University Press, Cambridge and London 1992. trans Gaines and Jones.

Robert BurtonÕs The Anatomie of Melancholy, 1621.


4. Theme One - Exile - the View of Home from Afar -

the reconstruction of the Past - the lands of childhood


4.1 Arshile Gorky and Armenia -

4.2 The Photographic Recording of Lost Lands - Koudelka, images of the Ghetto

4.3 Walker Evans and Disappearing America

4.4 James Joyce from Ireland to Trieste

Carole Kismaric, FORCED OUT The Agony of the Refugee in our Times, with a commentary by William Shawcross, Human Rights watch (with W.Morrow, Penguin, Random and Norton, Penguin London 1988

Jung Chang, Wild Swans, Harper Collins London 1991

Nouritza Marossian, Black Angel, A Life of Arshile Gorky, Chatto and Windus London 1998

Armor and Wright, Manzanar, commentary by John Hersey, , photographs of concentration camps in America for people of Japanese origins by Ansel Adams, Secker and Warburg, London 1989

Raghubir Singh, Photographs India & Britain, National Museum of Photography Bradforsd, 1986

John Simpson (ed) The Oxford Book of Exile, OUP Oxford 1995 (sections - Driven Forth: Falling from Power; Getting Out; The Exile Community;Exiled in their own Country; The Experience of Exile; The End of Exile).

V.Nabokov, Speak Memory, (autobiography - childhood in pre-revolutionary Russia)

Patrick Hutton, History as an art of memory, University of Vermont, Hanover, London 1993

Willard Potts, James Joyce, Portraits of the Artist in Exile, Wolfhound Press, University of Washington, 1979


Theme Two - England in China - the presence of English culture in Chinese culture.

John MacKenzie, Orientalism History, theory and the arts,Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1995

Edward Said, Orientalism, Western Conception of the Orient, Penguin London 1978

Ching and Oxtoby, Discovering China, European Interpretations in the Enlightenment, University of Rochester Press, Rochester 1992

W.J.F.Jenner, CHINA a photohistory 1937 -1987, Thames & Hudson, London 1988

Susan Legouix, William Alexander, Image of China, Jupiter,London 1980

Michael Jacobs, The Painted Voyage, Art Travel and Exploration 1564 - 1875 British Museum Press London 1995 .


Theme Three - China in England - the presence of Chinese culture in English culture

The Silent Traveller series,by Chiang Yee e.g. The Silent Traveller in Edinburgh, Methuen London 1948 (see also Chiang Yee, The Chinese Eye).

Dams and Zega, Pleasure Pavilions and Follies in the Gardens of the Ancien Regime, Flammarion New York, 1995 (the Chinese Tent and Bridge at Bagatelle; Chinese Pavilion at Saint-James; Chinese Pavilion and Pagoda at Cassan).

Jellicoe, Jellicoe, Goode and Lancaster, The Oxford Companion to Gardens, OUP Oxford 1991, see Chinoiserie ¥ John Nash, Views of the Royal Pavilion at Brighton, Pavilion Books, London 1992

Ray Desmond, The History of the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, Harvill/Kew London 1995, see Chaopter 4, Sir William Chambers and the Chinese Pagoda.

Zhaoming Qian, Orientalism and Modernism, The Legacy of China in Pound and Williams, Duke University Pres, Durham and London 1995.


BOOKLIST 02- January 2002

a. about memory and exile - the view of home from afar, the reconstruction of the past, the lands of childhood

1. John Simpson ed., The Oxford Book of exile, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.

2.Simon Schama, Landscape and Memory, HaperCollinsPublishers, London, 1995.

3. Willard Potts, James Joyce, Portraits of the Artist in Exile, Wolfhound Press, University of Washington, 1979.

4.Christian Boltanski(artist)

5.Daniel Meadows, The Bus-the free photographic omnibus 1973-2001, The Harvill Press, London, 2001.

6.James, E. Young, At MemoryÁÏs Edge-After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2000.

7.Second View: The Rephotographic Survey project. The RSP were Mark Klett, Ellen Manchester, JoAnn Verburg, Gordon Bushaw and Rick Dingus, and between 1977 and 1980 they rephotographed the pictures of the pioneer photographers of the American West.

8.Shun-chu Chen(Taiwanese artist), Two generations of Family Memories, 1993.

9.Ben Yu(Taiwanese artist), The French Chair in Taiwan. 10. Hai Bo(Chinese artist)

11. Walker Evens and Disappearing America

12. the photographic recording of lost lands - Koudelka, images of the Ghetto


b. about portraiture(and self-portrait)

1. Richard Brilliant, Portraiture, Reaktion Books, London, 1991.

2. Lea Vergine, Body Art and Performance, Skira editore, 2000.

3. Robert A. Sobieszek, The Camera I , photographic self portraits from the collection of Audrey and Sydney Irmas, Los Angeles County Museum, Abrams, New York, 1994/5.

4. Erika Billeter(ed), Self Portrait in the Age of Photography, Photographers Reflecting their own Image, Musee Cantonal des beaux Arts, Lausannem, 1986.

5. W. Chadwick(ed), Mirror Images, Women, Surrealism and Self-representation, MIT, Cambridge Mass., 1998.

6. Jo Spence, Putting Myself in the Picture, a political personal and photographic autobiography, Camden Press, 1986.

7. August Sander


c. about the diptych(or polyptych) form ,

1. Kevin Halliwell, Photography and Narrative: an investigation of serial imagery (PhD thesis), University of Kent, 1986.

2. John X Berger and Oliver Richon (ed.), Other than itself- Writing Photography, Cornerhouse Publications, Manchester, 1989. 2. John Hilliard(Photographer)

3. Victor Burgin, Between, Basil Blackwell Limited, N.Y., 1986.

4. Duane Micheal(Photographer) d. about posture 1. Suzi Gablik, Magritte, T & H, 1970.


e. about photographic essay

1. Graham Clark, The Photograph, Oxford University Press, New York, 1997.

2. Susan Sontag, On Photography,

3. Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida,

4. Walter Benjamin, The work of art in an age of mechanical reproduction.

5. John Berger, Ways of seeing,

6. V.H. Axelmunden(ed), Photography after photography: memory and representation in the digital age.


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