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This is a categorised resource list that could form the basis of a database running up to Thesis Approval (12 months) and beyond.


1. general and design issues English encyclopaedic publications

Encyclopaedia Britannica 1913 edition

The Cambridge History of India 1922 - 1978

The New Cambridge History of India 1995 onwards (5 vols) Cambridge University press, Cambridge.


1.1 general - architecture

to make an audit of architectural sites using

National Monuments Record,

PevsnerÕs Building of England series,

National Trust archives

Country Life magazine

Commonwealth Institute

Antony Wild, The East India Company Trade and Conquest from 1600, Harper Collins London India 1999

Ian Nairn and Nikolaus Pevsner, Sussex, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1965, Brighton, Brighton Pavilion


1.2 sculpture

general references, subject and style

monumental and funerary references, secular and ecclesiastical (church monuments to Cawnpore, Calcutta)

images of Empire (Albert Memorial)


1.3 pattern and design

Owen Jones, Grammar of Ornament (Indian section) 1856

Dover reprints of Indian traditional patterns

Kashmir Shawls

Indian design influences in the UK during the 1960Õs


1.4 books about India for children in the English Language

John Hampden, Clarke Hutton illustrator , A Picture History of India OUP Oxford 1965

Rudyard Kipling, The Just So Stories (authorÕs illustrations)


1.5 describing India in pictures

Archer and Lightbown, India Observed, India Observed by British Artists 1760 - 1860 Victoria and Albert Museum London 1982, exhib. catal.

Mildrid Archer, Visions of India, The Sketchbooks of William Simpson 1859 - 1862, Phaidon Oxford 1986 Pal and Dehejia,

From Merchants to Emperors. British Artists and India 1757 - 1930, Cornell University press, Ithanca London 1986

Godrej and Rohatgi, Scenic Splendours, India through the Printed Image, British Library/ Arnold London 1989

Archer and Falk, India Revealed, The Art and Adventures of James and William Fraser 1801 - 1835 , Cassell London 1989

1.6 collecting and scholarly activity

G.G.Filippi, Indian Miniatures and Paintings from the 16th to the 19th centuries, The collection of Howard Hodgkin, Electa Milan 1997

The Pitts River Collection, Oxford

The Victoria and Albert Museum, London

India House and the role of the Archers

1947 Indian and Pakistani exhibition at the Royal Academy, London


1.7 linguistic

Hobson-Jobson Anglo-Indian Dictionary


1.8 erotic

Philip Rawson, Erotic Art of India, Thames and Hudson London 1978 the influence of Tantric Art 1910 and 1970 English scholars and the erotic art of India, Sir Richard Burton


2. economic and historical

The East India Company

the Indian Army presence in Brighton 1915-1918

the Indian Hospital in the Dome

the Monument on the Downs

reporting the Raj in the popular press e.g. The Illustrated London News, Punch, Passing Show.


3. documentary films

3.1 defining the nation

Listen to Britain

A Propos de Nice

The Fishing Party

The Leader, the Driver and the DriverÕs Wife


3.2 the psychologics of the empty interior

Last Year at Marienbad

David Hockney and Egyptian figures


4. psychological understanding

4.1 exile and return

4.2 education, the young Indian in London (Krishna Menon)

4.3 State Visits (film and press photography)

4.4 the residue of Empire


5. The Arts - dance, spiritual, literary and film background

the influence of the Indian artist on the UK (Tagore, Krishnamurti, Theosophy)

the influence of Indian modes of dance (Shawn, Duncan) 6. The Raj and the British Empire

Charles Allan (ed) Plain Tales from the Raj, Deutsch/BBC London 1975

John M.MacKenzie, Propaganda and Empire, The Manipulation of Britih Public Opinion 1880 -1960, Manchester University Press, 1984

John M.MacKenzie ed, Imperialism and Popular Culture, Manchester University Press, 1986

Mildred Archer, TippooÕs Tiger, HMSO London 1959


7. Published Accounts


H.K.Kaul, TravellerÕs India, an Anthology, OUP Delhi, Bombay 1979

Hugh and Pauline Massingham, The Englishman Abroad, Phoenix House London 1962


Major Options

What is the role of the exotic ?

After Independence, what changes of attitude ?

What historical period will you eventually concentrate on ?

Media - having explored and focussed to decide on the appropriate mode of delivery


interactive multimedia

image and text in editorial form




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