RESEARCH 1 MUSIC AND ARCHITECTURE. Goethe “Music is liquid architecture and Architecture is froen music.” (Susan Philip). It was part of a synaesthesia that generally informed seventeenth century music. This informed ways of performance and aspects of ritual. Here are some things to look at, Bach and Architecture
Bach House
David Byrne's%20understanding%20of%20musical%20architecture,of%20large%2Dscale%20musical%20works. (influence on today)

RESEARCH 2 MUSIC AND ARCHITECTURE Masques, You might enjoy finding out about music performed within complex stage settings (beyond mere opera) and a favourite fascination of mine, collaborations resulting in Court Masques and in particular Ben Jonson and Inigo Jones working on elaborate Masques. Masque and music at the Stewart court Greenwich
Masques were highly formalised and closest to religious rituals, yet generated wild pagan excesses. See also Botticelli and Savonarola beneath.

Shakespeare’s late plays shows him reverting to a past theatre, to a less humanistic design (The Winter Tale). Half way through Father Time appears and reads a 32 line speech. He turns his ourglass over on line 16. You might enjoy number symbolism embedded in literature. I never got over reading Hieatt’s book on Spencer’s ‘Epithalamion’, where the verse structure related exactly the time and date of his own marriage
The verse is structured to reflect not only the calendar but also times of the day, sunrise and sun buried in the writing.

RESEARCH 2 MUSIC AND ARCHITECTURE Purcell. Watch the Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary Queen Mary Compare the power of the marching players with a stage performance. I went to a performance of Rooley and Emma Kirkby where the music was played and the marchers made their slow way up the concert hall. My goose bumps now return.
Purcell was capable of astonishing theatrical effects, a correlation between meaning and performance. A great favourite is The Cold Song for Counter Tenor from ‘King Arthur’, which can be sung straight (Jakub Orlinski on ) or performed as a modern ritual by the spooky Klaus Nomi
Compare the two performances and sense the creative possibilities of a single piece of music. Nomi is sensational and closer to the spirit of Purcell.

RESEARCH 3 IMAGE AND PERFORMANCE, Botticelli’s Mystic Nativity. 1500 and an example of a Humanist artist, steeped in the culture of the Medici Court, turned by threat into an earlier primitive Gothic style of composition and a stylised appeal to banish Evil
I include a translation of the Greek inscription quoting the apocalyptic language of Revelations. The artist was a follower of the Hell Fire preacher Savonarola who devised ways to excite his congregation, with sudden banners appearing with pictures of Hell. Here the circle of musical angels does evoke memories of Savonarola’s giant iron hoop with musicians as angels slowly descending in Florence Cathedral from the ceiling of the crossing while playing instruments I have a collection of sermonising Preachers on including Savonarola in the pulpit. Further down the screen is a selection of church interiors.

RESEARCH 4 INSPIRATION FROM FILMS. Hitchcock I mentioned Oriole and I had watched Hitchcock’s The Birds the previous evening and I had books of storyboards I found interesting (see today;s Instagram posting of Family Plot. Any serious film maker will of course ponder the visual potential of dark and light. In The Birds, during one attack the roo is plunged into darkness.

RESEARCH 4 INSPIRATION FROM FILMS. Charles Laughton directs The Night of the Hunter. The one film that stands out as a dynamic dialogue between Light and Darknes (Maniceeism) and between Good and Evil. I have a huge study of the making of the film (Preston Neal Jones) which you might both enjoy as well as theoriginal Davis Grubb novel, testing how an atmosphere of dark and Evil might be generated. Yes, Laughton but also the cinematographer Stanley Cortiz. The film style is provocatively using deliberate early film visual devices (such as a sudden iris shot)and edited the voyage of the children down the river in a spine tingling sequence of threat and dsafety, of distant pursuit in a location of innocence and unspoiltnature. Listen to del Toro’s tribute
Watch the Leaning on the Everlasting Arms clip
And project it into what TOMB could be.

RESEARCH 5 INSPIRATION FROM FILMS. HORROR films. I explained that I employed 4 postgards to teach film at Norwich. Peter was the official historian of Hammer Horror. And Leon Hunt was the acknowledged expert on the films of Dario Argento. The latter is an operatic visual composer, and all his movies are terrifying on colour and action. I recommended the 1977 SUSPIRIA, and the opening sequence of the arrival at the Airport.
Ignore the twattish front man. See also A Sigh from the Depths.
I have the entire film. He is very much avoided now because of his garish operatic style and stalk and slash approach in this and other films. Another Italian operatic film director is Mario Bava.

RESEARCH 6 INSPIRATION FROM the Caravaggesque. You have a particular understanding of the paintings of Caravaggio and the drama of figures, objects caught between utter darkness and single source projected light. We agree that there is a puzzling lack of preparatory studies, drawings and prints. Rather than meekly accept ‘caravaggio” it might be useful to record what you find compelling in a single work.
Find The Beheading of John the Baptist we could use as a basis of discussion next time.

7.1 Robert Fludde Theatre of Music 1618 De Musica Mundana, a true occultist. Of Music and the Mind