I'd like to tell you about my response to the wonderful Bach Oratorio I went to at the South Bank with Polly last week,
performed by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.
It was the first time since David died that I experienced the emotional power of art in such a way that I felt I must do something for myself with this.…..difficult to articulate ….it was an emotion as much as a concept.

The narrative I guess you know already….

'The two men are hurrying towards the tomb of Jesus, where they meet the two women and rejoice together at the resurrection of Jesus. As the protagonists form a model quartet (soprano, alto, tenor and bass), it is to be expected that the four-part closing chorus is also sung by only these four singers'.

I thought of Caravaggio, The tomb…like the dark fireplace void of my seagull quartet, Faces overlapping in shallow space, strong shadow obscuring expressions

I felt uplifted all the way home on the train …but by the morning the feeling had disintegrated like the Mares Nest in Rupert…

But I think I can do something with this….

……..can you help me?