01 - 03 Some diagrams of Ballrooom Dancing from Victor Sylvester's "Magic Way" , Danceland Publications, London undated c1949 In 1962 Andy Warhol produced a series of paintings (synthetic polymer paint on canvas called Dance Diagrams, see the MOMA Retrospective 1989 160 - 163. 

04. a diagram of a set of dance arrangements from G.Magri, Trattato teorico-prattico di ballo , Rome 1779.



01... an engraving by Della Bella showing (central) the arena outside the Pitti Palace in Florence where one of the last Ballet Festivities for the Medici clan took place in 1637. Click for an enlargement. The flanking panels relate to individual parts of the dance. The two mounted figues are Della Bella himself and the chief engineer 32 x 44 folding plate.

02. a plate from Kellom Tomlinson, The Art of Dancing, London, 1735.  

03. a diagram of a dance from a manual for Dancing Masters, The Art of Dancing, 1734
04.  from Illustrated July 1946 choreograhing dance




01. Alessandro Senese, Il vero maneggio di spada, Benacci, Verona, 1660 - sight lines for fencing opponents.

02. One of the celebrated Life Saver ads of the 1950's - always inventive and clear. here the artist plays with that most obstruse of all sports diagrams - the American Football play. Witty and appropriate to the task, it may even be authentic.