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An overview

A number of key strands of research have been identified to address the core areas in relation to the study focus. Research undertaken to date has embraced primary and secondary sources.

Research has included visits to and contact with :

- key packaging collections and archives
- contact with design companies specialising in packaging design and corporate identity
- contact with manufacturers
- contact with collectors , dealers and societies relating to packaging
- key museums
- packaging organisations
- collection of packaging examples – historical and contemporary
- supermarkets, specialist retailers, department stores
plus becoming a member of relevant societies ( currently pursuing membership of a number of professional organisations)
and conference attendance and participation ( e.g. Design History Society Annual Conference, University of Aberystwyth , September 2003.)


Reference to a range of books, journals, websites, articles, trade publications etc has established an initial foundation regarding;-

- the historical and contemporary development of packaging within relevant social, cultural economic and technological contexts
- key designers – examples and approaches/styles
- key legal, manufacture and design considerations – e.g. materials, colour
- theoretical issues
- consumer culture
- marketing theory
- retailing and advertising
- market research
- corporate identity and branding issues
- concepts relating to the notion of celebrity
- graphic design eg typography, printed ephemera
- sourcing examples of relevant music, advertisements, television programmes etc related to the context of packaging, food and cooking, shopping and consumerism.

Consideration of other research studies has helped to develop a further understanding of the scope and rigour required and the scale of material that can potentially be embraced.



Categories of research – please note that this is an indicative listing and does not document the full extent of research sources utilised


It is necessary to place the research focus within the wider context of cultural
activities and theories.

Key texts to date include:

Baudrillard,J. 1998 The Consumer Society : Myths and Structures. London : Sage.

Ewen, Stuart. 1988. All consuming images : the politics of style in contemporary culture. London : Basic Books.

Giles, Judy and Tim Middleton. 1999. Studying Culture. Blackwell

Klein, Naomi. 2001. No logo. London : Flamingo
- a useful source for ideas and examples relating to branding etc

Twitchell, James, B. 1996 Adult USA. Columbia University Press
- identifies key terms and examples especially relating to television


Branding and Corporate identity

It is recognised that there exists a wide range of sources relating to branding and corporate identity – highlighted are some of the key texts in relation to visual and theoretical reference use . Brand websites and organisations are also utilised.

Carter, David, E. 2000 American Corporate Identity 2001 . New York : HBI

Cowley, Dan.(ed) 1996 Understanding Brands. London : Kogan Page
de Chernatony,

Leslie and Malcolm H.B. McDonald. 1992. Creating powerful brands. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.

Dotz, Warren and Morton, Jim.(1996) What a character! 20th century American Advertising Icons. San Francisco : Chronicle Books.

Knobil, Marcel. 2001 Superbrands: An insight into 100 of Britain’s strongest brands. London : Superbrands Limited.

Myers, Greg. 1999. Ad Worlds : Brands, Media, Audiences. London : Hodder Headline group

Olins, Wally .1989. Corporate Identity. London : Thames and Hudson.

Pavitt, Jane. 2000. Brand new. London : V & A Publications

Upshaw, Lynn, B. 1995 Building Brand Identity : A strategy for success in a hostile marketplace. New York : John Wiley and Sons. Inc.

Package Design

Bathe, Peter. 1997. Developments in the packaging of alchoholic drinks. Pira.

Behaeghel, Julien. 1991. Brand Packaging : the permanent medium. London: Architecture Design and Technology Press.

Charlton, D.E.A. 1937. The Art of Packaging. London : The Studio.

Danton de Rouffignac, Peter. 1990. Packaging in the marketing mix. Oxford : Butterworth – Heinemann Limited

Davis, Alec. 1967. Package and Print : the development of container and label design. London : Faber and Faber.

Gray, Milner .1995. Package Design. London : The Studio Limited.

Griffith, David. 1979. Decorative Printed Tins : the golden age of printed packaging. London : Studio Vista.

Herdeg, Walter. 1977. Graphics : Packaging 3. Switzerland : Graphics

Hine, Thomas. 1995. The Total Package. New York : Little Brown and Company

Jankowski, Jerry. 1998 .Shelf Space Modern Package Design 1945 – 1965.
San Francisco : Chronicle Books.

Lloyd Morgan, Conway. 1997 Packaging Design. Switzerland: Rotovision.

Minale, Marcello (editor). 1993. The Leader of the pack. London: Elfande.

Museum of Modern Art. 1959 . The Package Vol.27, No. 1, Fall 1959.

Neubauer, G. Robert. 1973. Packaging the contemporary media. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Opie, Robert.1987. The Art of the Label. Simon and Schuster.

Packaging Prototypes .CD Rom.

Packaging Prototypes 2 .CD Rom NC 14641

Paine, F.A. (ed) . 1962. Fundamentals of Packaging. London : Blackie and Son limited.

Phillip, Renee. 2001 Packaging Graphics and Design. Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers, Inc.

Pilditch, James. 1961 The Silent Salesman : how to develop packaging that sells London : B.T. Batsford Limited.

Reese, Theresa. 1994. Print Casebooks 10 : The Best in Packaging. New York : RC Publications, Inc.

Sacharow, Stanley. 1982. The package as a marketing tool. Radnor, Pennsylvannia: Chilton Book Company

Sutnar, Ladislar .1953. Package Design : the force of visual selling. New York: Arts, Inc


Key sources exist that address theoretical issues, archive collections, practice and history. These are important to support a wider and deeper understanding and appreciation of packaging’s relationship within the wider advertising sphere and the context of consumerism.

(2001) Celebrity Sell. London: Prion Books Limited

Danna, Sammy,R. (ed) 1992. Advertising and Popular Culture : Studies in variety and versatility. Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press.

Dotz, Warren and Husain, Masud. 2003. Meet Mr. Product : The Art of the advertising character. San Francisco : Chronicle Books

Dotz, Warren and Morton, Jim..1996. What a character! 20th century American Advertising Icons. San Francisco : Chronicle Books.

Kleinman, Philip. (ed). 1985. Modern Publicity 1984 / 85 Vol.53. London: Cassell

Lears, Jackson. 1994. Fables of abundance : A cultural history of advertising in America. New York : Basic Books.

Margolin, Victor, Brichta, Ira and Brichta, Vivian..1979. The promise and the product 200 years of American Advertising posters. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.

Messaris, Paul. 1997. Visual Persuasion . The role of images in advertising. London : Sage.

Myers, Greg. 1999. Ad Worlds : Brands, Media, Audiences. London : Hodder Headline group.

Nava, Mica., Blake, Andrew.,MacRury, Iain and Richards, Barry. (eds) 1997. Buy this Book : Studies in advertising and consumption. London: Sage.

Sivulka, Juliann. 1998. Soap, sex and cigarettes : A cultural history of American advertising. Wadsworth Publishing

Wernick, Andrew. 1994. Promotional Cluture:Advertising, ideology and symbolic expression. London : Sage.

Williamson, Judith. 1978. Decoding Advertisements. London : Marion Boyars



A number of key collections have been identified and visited. Two key sources are:
The Design Collection Museum, The Arts Institute at Bournemouth

The Centre for Ephemera Studies, Reading University

VADS website


With the demise of the Robert Opie Pack Age Museum at Gloucester diverse sources are now pursued to locate access to primary sources of historical packaging. Websites for international collections and museums are useful although the quality and quantity of visual material and information is varied.


A number of recent publications address numerous aspects of this area – key texts include:

2001. Celebrity sell: Star endorsement in the classic age of advertising. Prion

Marshall,P.D. 1997. Celebrity and Power fame in contemporary culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Rojek,Chris.(2001) Celebrity. Reaktion


Market research and trade journals and reports provide invaluable sources

Danger, Eric. P. 1983.(1968) Using Colours to Sell. Aldershot : Gower Press.

Letterman, G.Elmer. 1957. The New Art of Selling. New York: Harper and brothers.

O’ Shaughnessy, John. 1987. Why People Buy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Schmidt, Bernd and Alex, Simonson. 1997. Marketing Aesthetics. New York: The Free Press.

The Grocer magazine

White, Roderick. 1998. The theory behind global campaigns. Admap. March : 48

Graphic Design/ Visual communication

Creative Review magazine

Design Week magazine

Fishel, Catherine. 2000. The Perfect Package :How to add value through graphic design. Massachusetts: Rockport.

Lewis, John. 1976. Printed Ephemera. London : Studio Vista.

Modern Publicity

Nawigamune, Anake. 2000 . A Century of Thai Graphic Design. London: Thames and Hudson.


A wide range of texts and sources are considered regarding wider issues and theories relating to product semantics, design etc. One interesting source is:-

Teague, Walter , Dorwin. Design This Day : The technique of order in the machine age. London : The Studio.





from Chris Mullen

FORTUNE 1931 new packages



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